Creators, we're not pirates; we didn't plunder ye booty. Arrr! (Info)
14.10M video views
From their Pornhub bio:
現役女子大生ユキ(20歳)とハルのごく普通の素人カップルの愛し合ってる姿を晒しています♡ We are a Japanese amateur couple of female college student Yuki (20 years old) and Haru♡ Pornhubには動画の一部を投稿しています♡高画質で超過激なフル動画は"Only funs""myfans"で限定公開中♡ Join our official fan site to see many more high quality videos and photos♡→完整视频) | 每周发布一次真正的业余情侣色情影片/ 動画や写真の転載やダウンロード、第三者に見せる行為は禁止します It is prohibited to reproduce, download, or show videos and photos to third parties.