Creators, we're not pirates; we didn't plunder ye booty. Arrr! (Info)
Miss Faffef
126.00M video views
From their Pornhub bio:
I'm an insatiable, high orgasmic, super squirting MILF! When I'm not playing mom, I'm having super fun, kinky sex with my hubby! He plays my body like a fucking fiddle. Says he's addicted to me and making me cum and squirt ESPECIALLY while others watch. I believe him!!! After many years, I finally agreed to make a sex tape. Within a few mins of the playback, I was soaking wet and went WILD! Flash forward a few years and we're somehow one of Pornhub's veteran leading amateurs with the most loyal friends/fans on the pornhubbing planet!! What's up next? You tell us!!!
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Miss Faffef